Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater Pc Registration Code

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  1. Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater Pc Registration Code Download
  2. Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater Pc Registration Code Free

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Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PlayStation 2 cheats we have available for Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.

Cell Number In Sokolav Video

When you meet up with sokolav pan around than on the wall it will say 144. 75 (the 2 time you meet him after he tells snake about the the tank you are going to fight).

Messy Way To Get Out Of The Groznyj Grad Prison Cell

When you are in the cell after the guard throws the food press the start button and go to cure the use the analog stick to spin snake then he will open the cell gate.

Easy Way For EVA Not To Loose Stamina In The Woods

When EVA gets stabbed in the chest with a branch, tranquilize her or knock her out using CQC and you can drag her through the woods. But, when you have to climb, you have to wake her up by kicking her.

Dust Grinding Relief

On the runway, on your way to the bridge when Volgin is in the shagohod. When he says 'I'll grind you into dust', pull out your RPG and fire it at the shagohod's treads (wheels)and the shagohod will slow down and will not be able to hit you with it's drilling wheels. (RPG is required).

Kill Volgin Old West Style

To kill volgin easily use the single action army shoot it behind him to hit him in the sides or back. The bullets will deflect off and you will eventually kill him.

The End For The End

When you fight the end in the jungle stop and save the game and quit and after a couple of days when you play again the end will be dead the colonel says he died of 'old age'.

Hardest Monkeys To See

On snake vs. Ape, there are monkeys you can not even see. On the first one, the last one is on top of the really tall tree. Another one is a monkey on the roof of the destroyed house. The last one on the final are stage is outside on the right rooftop sipping a drink.

Face Paint

When you are in the place where Ocelot getsknocked out, before you go through the gate to gettoo the swamplands take a right and there is aface paint. It is called the zombie facepaint,also after you talk to Eva in the cave thatis behind the waterfall, go back to the pool ofwater behind the fall dive down and there isanother facepaint.

Crocodile Cap

When you are in the Dremucci swamplands go intothe water and take a left. If you go the right waythere should a log in the water. Swim under thelog and there is a little island. Go on the islandand climb the tree. There should be a wire, climbthe wire over to the stick underneathit. Drop to that stick and it will lead you to thecroc cap. You can wear it in the water and it willkeep the crocs from killing you.

Tips On Fighting The End

The second time you ever see The End in the gameis the first time you enter the back of thewarehouse which is a place you had to swim to(the second area after you finally leave thecave). After all of the cutscenes, The End willbe sitting in a wheelchair where Ocelot almostshot Sokolov. He will remain there for a fewseconds before being wheeled away buy a guard.Take out your SVD sniper rifle and shoot him asmany times as possible. There are to guards toaim around, so it's not all that easy. If youshot him, you will know it because after yourlast shot, his wheelchair will explode.When you come to fight him again in the jungle,you will notice some of his health depleted fromwhere you sniped him.The good way to spot him is to see his muzzleflash in the sunlight.The best way to find him is to expose yourself inthe area he is in. He will shoot you. Take outthat dart. Look on your map and you will noticethat it shows you his exact location. Then allyou have to do is find him and shoot him.

Easy Way To Beat The Sorrow

As soon as you start to fight The Sorrow go underthe water and wait until you die. Then hold in L2And take the revival pill.

Make Snake Throw Up

This is hilarious. To make Snake throw up, press START, then go toviewer (doesn't matter where, it could be looking at uniforms thenviewer by pressing R1). Once you are in viewer, spin Snake aroundalot by turning the right analog stick right or left. Then pressSTART to go back to the game. You will see Snake throw up.

Mask Trick

When you fight Volgin put the mask on. He willthink you are Ivan and stop moving.

The Guards 'Radio Man'

Are you sick of the guards calling in backup? Ifyou are there is an easy solution. Just kill theradio man. Hes the one with a little red light onhis left shoulder. If you do the others will saythings like 'wheres the radio man?' and such. Itsreally easy pickings then. (p.s. in some areasthis dose not work because there areseveral 'radio men')

Shining Head

Will fighting 'The End' if you are using yourMk22 look for 'The Ends' shiniy head. Then pullthat triger and pop a cap into his little head

The Ends Weapon

When you finaly get to 'The End' use the Mk22 toshoot him. After you kill him with your Mk22There should be a box near were 'The End' felldown at.

Stealth Camo

During the game shoot all 64 Kerotan Frogs whichare located in every area of the game.

How To Unlock The Patriot

Before you cross the bridge look under the theopposite end with your binoculars there shouldbe a little space with a new camo in it. Ounceyou cross the bridge go and hang off the edge toyour right, hit the x button to fall then holdin towards the mountain and hit the trianglebutton to grab on to the edge of the littlespace pull yourself up and get your new camo, toget out stick to the wall and follow the path toyour left.

Bathroom Conversation

When you get captured in Groznyj Grad and need toescape, don't escape. Instead hang around andwait for the guard to complain about his stomach.For your convenience I have taken note ofeverything he says:After this he will bring you food. My descriptionis funny but wait'll you HEAR it!

Easy Kill The End

While you are at the docks take one of thesniper rifles you own and look for a man in awheel chair that man is The End. Shoot himcontinuosly until he falls out and dies. Howeverwhen it comes the time that you would normallyfight The End their will be 20 well trained GRUsoldiers after you instead.

Don't Touch Ocelot!

After the cutscene where snake uses CQC tacticsto knockout Ocelot and the GRU soldiers, Ocelotwill be knocked out in front of you. Don't usethe XM1ME1 or the SVD (Dragonov Sniper Rifle} tokill him a time paradox will be created lettingyou beat the game easily. Trust me it's not funto beat the game without playing it.

Hornet Stripe Camoflauge

The Hornet Stripe camoflauge can be found afteryou beat the pain by depleting his staminagauge. It is found on the platform where hestood on during the battle. After you beat himtheir should be an opening to the north. Just asyou enter turn to the left and follow the pathuntil you reach a ledge jump off the ledge andthe hornet stripe camoflauge should be their.The hornet stripe camoflauge allows you tocontrol hornets and keep them and other bugsaway.

Defeating The Shagohod

Defeating the shagohod is probably the most funpart of the whole game. Quickly shoot the treads(Wheels for those of you you who have bad vocab.)Then Volgin will complain about how he can'tmove or saying 'What have you done!' Eva willdrive around to the back of the shagohod andshoot the part that is smoking it takes aboutone-fifthe of the machines life. If you don'tinflict damage it propbably means you didn't doit fast enough.

Snake's Nightmare

After Volgin puts Snake in the cell, Save andexit. When you reload the game, you will be inhis dream. After about five minutes, Snake willwake up and a cinema will start.

Prison Cell Frequency

The radio frequency to get out of the GroznyjGrad prison cell is 144.75.

Tuxedo Camouflage

Complete the game once to unlock the TuxedoCamouflage.

Non-Lethal Camouflage

Beat all bosses without using lethal force tounlock a special Non-Lethal Camo.

Healing Radio Frequencies

The Best Tasting Food

While you are fighting the Boss, equip yourthermal goggles and look for snake solid, snakeliquid, and snake solidus. They are each by oneof the three logs that are scattered around thearea.

Beat Colonel Volgin

This Battle is fairly easy. Just stick to yourRevolver and let the bullets ricochet behind him.When you start the battle, use your fake deathpill to fool him into thinking you're dead. Thenwhen he walks over to you and turns around, usethe revival pill and shoot him. You can only dothis once.

Healing Radio

Use the time to put in the Radio Frequency 149.53.When you are finished listening to the songyou'll have full Health! Threaten guards to findout more songs to listen to.

Stamina Gauge

This gauge shows how much energy Snake has left. The higher his Stamina bar is the more energy he has and the better he will perform in combat and other situations. This bar is decreased by almost everything that you do: walking, running, climbing, hanging, and so on. Once he gets down to the last 1/4 of the bar his performance will become very impaired and many things will become difficult to do: running, stalking, climbing,aiming and so on. You will want this to be in the top 3/4 most of the time. You can save yourself some of the bar by thinking ahead and performing actions that are essential and nothing else. The bar can be recovered quite easily though as long as you have some food for Snake to munch on. Certain foods will give him more stamina than others but all will give some sort of contribution.

Life Gauge

This is the one gauge that you will want to watch closest for the entire game. This gauge represents Snake's life. The more of it that is filled up the more life he has, the lower it is the less life he has. This gauge can be restored by using Rations or by crouching while bleeding. When the Life Gauge reaches a low enough point, Snake will begin to bleed. It will steadily decrease over time until it eventually runs out and Snake dies. To prevent this horrible tragedy Snake must either crouch for a while so that it will slowly restore, use a Bandage to stop the bleeding, or using a Ration to recover some of his health. Please note that smoking Cigars will slowly but surely decrease Snake's Life Gauge, but it will only deplete it to the point where he will begin to bleed. Once it reaches that point it will stop depleting health.

Fun With EVA

After your wreck on EVA's bike you will have tocure her when you are in the survival viewer modeyou can spin EVA's body around and lets saycertain parts of her body are fastened securely.

Defeating Sorrow

To defeat sorrow you get through all the ghostsand then you touch sorrow, which will kill you,then press the inventory button (L2) and choosethe revival pill (TOOTH).

Boss Fight Camouflage

In almost every boss fight if you kill the bossonly by using the Mk22 you will get a specialcamouflage. It is much harder then useing anormal gun, but you can defeat them by depletingthier stamina gauge. It is harder but there isno other way that you can get these camouflagesand all of them have speical abilities.

Raise Grip Strength

When hanging off of a ledge, have Snake or Raidenpull up 100 times by simultaneously press L2 andR2. Doing this will raise their overall GripStrength to Level 2.


When you first reach the Plant, hang over theledge facing the pool and jump to get the Shaver.When Raiden first runs into Pliskin, he’ll givehim the Shaver. For the rest of the game, Pliskinwill now be clean cut.

Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater Pc Registration Code Download

Catch A Cold

If you leave Snake out in the rain for too long,he’ll come down with a cold. You’ll know he’sunder the weather when he starts sneezing. Yes,this action will alert guards to your location.To cure him, give him a Pentazemin. If he’s sickfor more than a few seconds, the pill won’t work.

Bad Plumbing

While using the Directional Mic to listen to theconversation between Ocelot and Solidus, pointthe Mic toward the bathroom to hear some veryamusing commentary and sound effects from a guywho is in dire need of some laxatives.

Find The End On Your Map

While fighting The End, go to the map screen and press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, square, triangle. A red dot will appear on the map.

Animal Camoflague

Successfully defeat Ocelot with the mk22 and youwill find the 'Animals' camo lying on the groundat the starting point of the cave.


On your way back to the hanger that contains theShagohod, stop in the locker room (not thehallway) before. Look in the locker across fromwhere you hid Raikov's body and you should findthe 'Maintenance' camo, which is useful fordisguising yourself as one of the workers. Don'tget to close to anyone, because they will notrecognize you.


Successfully finish the story to unlockthe 'Tuxedo' camo.

Get Single Action Army

When you have a showdown on the WIG with Ocelotchoose the gun on the right. Beat the game andthen you should have it the next time you start.

Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater Pc Registration Code

The Patriot

We have no easter eggs for Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater Pc Registration Code Free

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Created by: Jamaica maan.Read the full guide...

Created by: Jamaica maan.Read the full guide...

Created by: joshualolies.Read the full guide...